Latest Technology

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


BMW flew me out to the prettier parts of New Jersey, stuffed me full of rich food, and put me through a day of "university" before letting me loose behind the wheel of the 5-Series GT.

Some physicists say that if you keep slicing any distance in half, you'll get smaller and smaller lengths until--theoretically--you reach the smallest distance possible, a length so small it's almost unimaginable. BMWmust be approaching that theoretical quantum limit with the intervals in their model range, as the new 5-Series Gran Turismo--or GT, as it's badged--somehow finds space between the 5-Series sedan, X6 sports-activity "coupe" and the 5-Series Touring wagon.

Despite its closeness to other models in the BMW range, including the 7-Series, with which it shares its wheelbase and some styling elements, the 5-Series GT does stand out in several ways. In the end, though, it's still very much a familiar bit ofBMW engineering.

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